Monday, January 25, 2010

My secret mistake is not telling anyone I'm a lesbian, because I am afraid of what people will think, and I don't want to hurt my family. I don't want to be any weirder than I already am--but living a lie is making me miserable. I tell people I enjoy being alone, nope, sorry, not looking for a boyfriend right now.

I know one day I will get a boyfriend, just so I won't be alone. But I will hate every minute of it. Fear--it's my disease. And eventually it will kill me.



Anonymous said...

I understand what you're going through; I was in almost the same exact situation a year ago. Coming out to friends and family can be very difficult, but unless there's evidence that you will be harmed or abused for being who you are, then I would say that the best thing you can do is to tell your loved ones. Trust me, keeping this secret will hurt them as much as it hurts you.
And honey, you're not weird. Not at all. Don't believe the ignorance out there. You are normal. Please don't settle for something else if it doesn't make you happy. It wouldn't be fair to your boyfriend, and it wouldn't be fair to you, if you're not completely committed.
Fear is hard to overcome, but not impossible. Try starting with one person - one person you know and love and trust. Find someone who can give you the support you'll need. I believe in you. You'll get through this. <3

Anonymous said...

The people that truley love you, will accept you for who you are and understand how hard opening up about being a lesbian was for you. The people who are disapointed in you, are the people who never loved you to begin with. never be afraid to be the person that you want to be <3